Thursday, December 23, 2010

So what do you think of the iPad 1?

I have to refer to the current iPad as the iPad 1, since the version 2.0 will be out early in the second quarter of 2011. I have been playing with the the iPad 1 for a bit. It has some very cool features, but I don't think it's a real computer. It seems to be more of an entertainment machine. A nice entertainment machine, but is probably a very high end toy. I cannot imagine doing any serious work on it. The virtual keyboard is weak, like all virtual keyboards. I really like the "instant on" boot up!

I know that Mac loyalists(or maybe they are the Mac infatuated) will disagree, but really. I like being able to watch movies on the iPad (after downloading the free Netflix app). The display is very nice. I don't like that anything done in Flash does not work on the iPad. They do provide a delivered YouTube app to help get around this a little. Maybe this will improve in the future. Flash is everywhere, so this is a major flaw.

I think the associated audio is pretty good, as long as you are using good headphones or ear buds. Like all tablets and netbooks, the native audio is not good. I guess this goes with the territory.

There is only one interface port. Yes, one. The standard iPod type plug port. No standard USB interface. No network connection port. No camera, at least on the low end model.

I like the apps that come with the basic model (WiFi, $500), but you need an app for everything. You need to search for cool and useful free apps and pay for the others. Apple is great at keeping you on the hook. Mo money. I do like my iPod. I am sure you like your iPod, but it is a money pit. Anything to stay legal, I guess.

I can get used to Safari. I have used many browsers and this is just another flavor, but not bad. Nothing good, bad or otherwise to say about this.

I hear the new iPad will be lighter and have a number of improvements. Can't wait to see how it develops. I guess the real question is do I need a second or third device. I have a laptop, a netbook, and a SMART phone. So do I need this? I am not sure. The new world of tablets is just opening up. I would like to try the Samsung Galaxy to see if the tablet and the phone can live comfortably on the same device.

I am going to hold judgement on the iPad until I see the next version. Would I pay $500 for this version? Nope. How about you?

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